SEGMENT : 2.43 Deluxe Mag - Wall of Gain

Wall of Gain

Dez Isher

More and more with the wheels of the Trump administration falling, the idea of this billion dollar wall securing the US border from Mexico seems to be losing traction as well, as it should.

The “Wall” is a ridiculous idea which only a crooked construction mogul turned TV star, turned President like Donald Trump would come up with. This wall set to prevent the ills of Mexico from obscuring into the United States will only prevent the people that are escaping the horrors of Mexico to find refuge in a country known for its opportunity for all.

It will in no way stop the massive amount of drugs from entering the US for 2 basic but obvious reasons. First because there is just too much demand! The rule is simple, if there is demand, then that demand will get supplied; because based on UN figures, the drug business from Mexico alone is worth 7 billion dollars annually. Therefor these billion dollar organizations many just look at as thugs, can get and are very creative in entering large amounts of drugs in the US and a TRILLION dollar wall will not stop it, it will just make the bribery which is at the heart of this disaster more exclusive, which is exactly what Trump wants to achieve.

Using tax payer money to build a wall that earns construction companies billions is similar to what Dick Cheney did through Halliburton, and re-building Iraq and its supplementary projects which normally would be handled by military personally in President George W. Bush's campaign of Operation Iraqi Liberty which ironically also spelled out 'OIL'

The beneficiaries of such a wall would be the lobbing tasks forces put together in Washington DC to gain US government contracts and the 'someone' in the shadows that would funnel billions of dollars in under the radar money in forms of bribes to open the doors so America can feist on its various addictions!

Its like handing the president a Government grant to setup a personal billion dollar annual business. On the other hand as discussed if the dem

and for the drugs flowing from Mexico cant be stopped, as it has already been documented, the war on drugs is a failure. Spending millions of dollars of tax payer money which only eliminates one drug dealer who is then at best replaced by another or in the most recent case, only creating a vacuum of power which leads to violence, fighting to take over the well established business.

The cartels now go back 50 years, they are comprised and operated more like corporations than gun slinging cowboys, although that is a main gateway that maybe averted or be specific to the business model. When one cartel boss is either killed or captured, it doesnt put an end to the drug trade because its infrastructure of the business that has been established tested and tried for decades still is there. All the little people, along the check points, the drivers, businesses, local politicians, border guards and a variety of other people that contribute to the process remain. If even in a perfect world the war on drugs can eliminate those factions as well, they will again, quickly and easily develop and emerge.

The core problem is poverty and a lack of hope. When there is poverty, and no where to go, people will devote themselves again to the infrastructure that truly never leaves, because just like the big boss who has a replacement waiting in the wings, so does that little guy along the road to riches, and he is ready to step in and do his part.

The use of marijuana is almost as common as having a beer in parts of the US and it surpasses social, racial, or economic scales. The use of opioids and meth has risen steadily and aggressively over the last 10 years. Crystal Meth a drug that was a taboo dirty street drug is now finding its way into nice American neighborhoods and families, even TV and movies make casual references to meth use as it was done with marijuana 20 years ago, making it a more commonly accepted drug. Legalize it! Just as with marijuana the funds generated from taxing other drugs will be tremend


In conclusion as the United States as which it is with oil, which causes wars also, is the largest consumer of drugs of which many lose their lives over, most innocently. Yet US President Trump, wants to build a wall to keep the goods out it desperately seeks, both the cheap labor of the immigrant worker who supplies the economy the jolt it needs and the drugs which keep the country churning, leading an aggressive multi-million dollar war which only fattens the pockets of the many private mercenary armies it send millions to because of Washington DC lobbying which has transitioned focus from a more complicated middle east to much fertile neighbor in Mexico and its billion dollar drug treasures.

As with Pablo Escobar or the heroine of the far east which came into America in the 70s and 80s, the amount entering the US can only be accomplished by h