SEGMENT : 2.09 Deluxe Mag - Forgotten Key

Forgotten Key

Dez Isher

Situated between 4 existing borders, the people of Kurdistan are key in bringing together and sustaining control of the region.

The middle east and its vast history of peoples, religions, cultures and languages offers exquisite mystery and rich stories. This also makes it a complex situation which makes the evils of divide and conquer a preliminary tactic by outsiders.

The people of Kurdistan for centuries have been able to maintain their language, customs and culture although they have been torn by the politics of Europeans and Americans and facing countless local hardships due to the mismanagement of puppets, dictators and fraudulent leaders of surrounding countries.

Their strength speaks to the character and fundamental build of a culture that inspires kindness and sovereignty and this should be recognized by the governments of Iran, Turkey, Syria and Iraq as they are the key in creating a quad-lateral strength between these nations that are so close as people like cousins and brothers.

Kurdistan is a province which has been divided by the borders of Iran, Syria, Iraq and Turkey and at times has been the victim of brutal force at the hands of Saddam Hussein which unleashed chemical weapons bombs in a quick purge to silence an Iraqi minority. Turkey has labeled them a terrorist group. Iran has used military force towards the Kurds, and most recently Bashar Assad in Syria.

The fear of the 4 countries is that the Kurds want to unite their lands into a separate state, creating their own nationality and country, this has been supported by US funding including arming the Kurds in the name of fighting ISIS. The funding of the Kurds goes back to the 1970s when the US began its operations in the middle east.

The Kurds have been used by the US as an aggravator to governments, and again recently with the defeat of the US in Syria, the US strategy is again shifting to divide and conquer rather deploying outside armed militias as with ISIS which was a US funded, built,

and trained operation consisting of members from over 80 countries.

Kurdistan's geographical position puts it at a prime location in the middle east, and being scattered between 4 countries also gives the Kurds political influence between 3 oil producing countries and the gateway to Europe.

The Kurds must be accepted into the political circle of the 4 countries with proper representation and any oil revenue from Kurdish lands must be used to develop Kurdish lands and its civil infrastructure.

Essentially the people of Kurdistan want to be treated equally and to provide a better future for their children as anyone does. These are basic principles of governing that will attain larger wealth and access rather than a depressive dictatorial attitude which only helps with landing the Kurds into the hands of the desperate American attempt to control the middle east by which they empower one group to go after another group.

The Kurds in return must abandon the idea of creating their own nation. Their fight is impossible, because they will be fighting 4 countries as all 4 will see any movement by the Kurds as a direct threat to them. Even in Iraq a country that is struggling to find a new identity, any move by the Kurds to separate themselves from Iraq will be met with swift action and resistance from Iran and Turkey whom will see that as stepping stones to additional conflict in their borders.

Iran for example is made up of a variety of people with different cultures, languages and traditions. In the north is Azerbaijan, which speak Turkish, Armenians, Baluchestan, the Tajiks, and Pashtuns. The break up of oil bearing countries into small providence's is an American dream and a tragedy for all the people of the middle east.

The Kurds must recognize this and the governments of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey must recognize that the 'Kurdish problem' is actually an opportunity, an opportunity to create a larger stronger union of people with similar backgrounds and blood.

The center of the world has always been the middle east, from the times of the Medes to the Babylonians to the present day oil rush and Kurdistan is that opportunity.